No 10 - Feb 00
No 11 - Apr 00
No 12 - Lug 00
No 13 - Oct 00


Bollettino Elettronico Soci S.I.S.E.F
No. 13 - 31 Ottobre 2000


G. Bucci (
M. Borghetti (
E. Paoletti (
F. Magnani (
P. De Angelis (

Il Bollettino della Società Italiana di Selvicoltura ed Ecologia Forestale viene diffuso via E-mail ai Soci e ad una lista di indirizzi di persone afferenti ad enti interessati alle tematiche forestali ed ambientali. Chi non fosse interessato a ricevere i successivi bolletini è pregato di inviare un messaggio di rinuncia a:

Il Bollettino dei Soci è disponibile assieme ad altro materiale relativo alla SISEF, alle sue iniziative, a notizie di interesse per la ricerca forestale, alle modalità di iscrizione alla Società presso il sito WEB:

Chiunque fosse interessato a diffondere presso i soci o gli enti suddetti annunci di convegni, informazioni circa iniziative relative al campo dell'Ecologia Forestale e della Selvicoltura o altro materiale d'interesse per i Soci, puo' inviare un messaggio a:


Data la quantita’ di richieste pervenute alla redazione al riguardo, si informa che il volume:

Gabriele Bucci, Gianfranco Minotta, Marco Borghetti (eds.)

Atti del II Congresso SISEF, Bologna, 20-22 Ottobre 2000
Edizioni AvenueMedia, Bologna
pp. 504
ISBN 88-86817-12-6

e’ ancora disponibile e puo’ essere acquistato al prezzo di L. 42.000 ordinandolo alla casa editrice al seguente indirizzo:

Edizioni AvenueMedia Bologna
via Riva Reno, 61 - 40122 Bologna
Tel. 051 6564311 - Fax 051 6564350

Sul sito web della Societa' (vai alla pagina) e' disponibile la cedola di prenotazione libraria in formato testo o .pdf (Acrobat Reader) con cui ordinare il volume.


  1. 5th International Workshop on Measuring Sap Flow in Intact Plants, Firenze, 09-10 November 2000

  2. Seminario: “Il campionamento nella valutazione e monitoraggio delle risorse ambientali”, 5 dicembre 2000, Accademia Italiana di Scienze Forestali, piazza Edison 11, Firenze

  3. First Announcement - IUFRO Meeting: “Nursery production and stand establishment of broad-leaves to promote sustainable forest management”, Rome (Italy), May 7-10 2000

  4. Electronic conference: “Biodiversity Assessment Tools - European policy background for biodiversity assessment” 6 November - 22 December 2000

  5. Resoconto III riunione GdL SISEF “Effetti dell’inquinamento sugli ecosistemi forestali”: “Danni alla vegetazione costiera ed inquinamento da tensioattivi”.

  6. First Announcement: “Seventh International Workshop On Seeds”, Salamanca, Spain, 12-16 May 2002

  7. FAO Publishes Outlook For Wood Production From Forest Plantations

  8. Open Position: Assistant Professor, Forest Geneticist and Leader, Pacific Northwest Tree Improvement Research Cooperative - Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OREGON, USA

  9. One Year Postdoctoral Position: “Biocomplexity - Incubation Activity - A New Biocomplexity Research Program for the Analysis of Forest Ecosystem Dynamics.”, University of Michigan Biological Station

  10. International Conference on “Ecosystem Management in Boreal Forest Landscapes”, 27-30 May 2001, Koli National Park, North Karelia, Finland

  11. Support Research Position: “Assembling and analysis of data and model applications”, Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry

  12. First Announcement And Call For Papers: "Water transport in woody plants and linkages to plant structure and productivity", Hyytiala, Finland, March 14-16 2001

  13. Segnalazioni di novita’ editoriali pervenute alla redazione della SISEF.

  14. Presentazione della Mailing list "" (Sustainable and Multifunctional Management of Coppice in Umbria), A. Brunori, Compagnia delle Foreste.

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Firenze, 09-10 November 2000


General information


 The workshop will take place at the Conference Centre “Villa Agape”, located in a convent in Firenze, Via Torre del Gallo 8/10. Villa Agape is on the hills south of the city, not far from Piazzale Michelangelo, at a distance of about 2 km from the city centre.

Bed & Breakfast: 90.000 lire (about 47 Euros).
Lunch/Dinner: 30.000 lire each (about 15.5 Euros)
Full board: 150.000 lire per day (about 78 Euros)

Due to the limited number of rooms, some of the participants will be allocated in other hotels/guest houses (in this case, the price may be slightly higher).

The registration of participants will take place at the Villa Agape on 8th November afternoon/evening and the morning of 9th November. A shuttle to other places of  accomodation will be organized. The management of Villa Agape has requested to limit the noise during night hours: thereafter, we would ask the participants to register not later than 10 p.m. on 8th November. The participants planning to arrive later are kindly requested to apply to the local organizer, to receive details about their accomodation. 

A workshop dinner will be held on 9th November in a Florentine restaurant; the cost is included in the registration fee. On 9th and 10th November lunch is scheduled at Villa Agape. Dinner will be served at Villa Agape at 8.00 p.m. on 8th and 10th November.


By car: We suggest to leave the motorway A1 at the entrance “Firenze Certosa”, to follow the arrows to the city centre, and when in Firenze, to follow the arrows to Piazzale Michelangelo. A few hundred meters before the Piazzale (the big square with the David statue in the middle) turn right in Via Giramontino, that, after about 300m the road is renamed as Via Torre del Gallo. A detailed map of this area will be sent to the participants, together with more detailed information.

By airplane: The closest airports are located in Firenze (“A. Vespucci”) and in Pisa (“G. Galilei”). From Pisa airport, a train takes directly to the main railway terminal in Firenze (“Firenze S.M.N.”). The price of the ticket is about 10.000 lire. From Firenze airport, we strongly suggest you to get a taxi to Via Torre del Gallo (price about 30.000 lire). As an alternative, you could take a bus to the city centre, that will leave you near the railway terminal.

By train: Most of the long distance trains stop in the main terminal (Firenze S.M.N), or at the Campo di Marte station. We strongly suggest that you take a taxi from the station to via Torre del Gallo (about 15-20.000 lire). Or, get a city bus to Porta Romana (ask the driver): buses n. 11, 12, 13, 36, 37. From Porta Romana, take the bus number 38 (only at 12.50, 13.20, 14.30, 19.30; at other times, phone 800-019794 and ask for a bus to Pian dei Giullari; it will be available in about one hour).

Remember to buy the bus ticket before the trip, at tobacconists and newsagents.

Detailed bus timetables will be distributed upon registration.


Participants are requested to submit title and abstract of their communication as soon as possible, not later than 20th October. The submission must contain corresponding author details (full name, address, tel., fax, email), title, text and preferred form of presentation (oral or poster).

Please submit your abstracts through e-mail (as a message, or as a .doc attached file; DO NOT ENCODE THEM), or by mail on floppy disk (formatted for DOS only).

It will be possible to demonstrate instruments on the trees in Villa Agape's park. In this case, please communicate any particular need (mains, batteries…) to the local organizer.


5th International Workshop on
Measuring Sap Flow in Intact Plants

Deadline20th of October


Surname (2nd) name:......................................
First (given) name(s):...................................


Institution (affiliation):...............................


Date of Arrival:..................  
Time of Arrival................... 
by  bus...., train....., air......
Date of Departure:................
Time of Departure.................
by  bus...., train.....,  air.....


DIET: VEGETARIAN.................., OR.................................
(includes: conference- and meeting rooms,  book of abstracts, conference dinner, local organisation)


I shall submit a paper…… poster…….
I will demonstrate some equipment on park trees……

Date.........................................,  Signature.....................................

Local Organiser:

Dr. Antonio Raschi  C.N.R. - I.A.T.A.,
Piazzale  Cascine 18,  50144 Firenze, Italy;
Phone: +39-055/-301422, Fax:/-308910

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Martedi 5 dicembre 2000
Accademia Italiana di Scienze Forestali
piazza Edison 11, Firenze

Negli ultimi decenni si registra un crescente interesse per una migliore conoscenza quantitative e qualitative delle risorse ambientali. La disponibilità di informazioni affidabili e standardizzate è infatti condizione necessaria per programmare iniziative in material di tutela e valorizzazione, coordinare le politiche ai vari livelli e verificarne l’implementazione. L’inventariazione e il monitoraggio sono riconosciuti come principali i principali strumenti di supporto a tal fine. Tuttavia, sebbene le loro potenzialità siano ampiamente condivise a livello scientifico e tecnico, la loro applicazione risulta non di rado contraddittoria. rispetto a criteri oggettivi di affidabilità ed efficienza. I concetti della statistica inferenziale sottendono problemi epistemologici e metodologici di grande rilevanza sui quali si va sviluppando una riflessione critica, sia per evitare fraintendimenti e sia per esplicitare la portata e il significato dei metodi impiegati, delimitandone il campo di applicazione. Alla luce di ciò, il Seminario vuole contribuire a promuovere, in modo semplice ma rigoroso, la cultura e la conoscenza dei metodi e delle tecniche del rilevamento campionario, per una più consapevole ed efficace valutazione e gestione delle risorse ambientali.


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First Announcement

International Union of Forestry Research Organizations (IUFRO) meeting hosted by the Italian Environment Protection Agency (ANPA) and organised in co-operation with IUFRO Units 3.02.00, 3.02.01 and 3.02.02.

The meeting will be held in Rome, Italy, May 7-10, 2001.

Purpose of the meeting

The aspect of sustainable forestry together with focus on biodiversity and the discussion of global climatic changes have raised the interest for production and outplanting of broad-leaves. Hence, there will be a considerable increase in the requirement for broad-leaved planting stock in the future. This situation will also have a major impact on future production technology and outplanting operations.

 The purpose of the meeting is to bring together researchers and foresters from all over the world to reveal state of the art and to discuss the possibilities for future development regarding nursery production and establishment of broad-leaves.

 Tentative agenda

May 7: Registration and No-Host Social.

May 8: Paper session (nursery production)

May 9: Field trip (nursery production/stand establishment), Conference dinner (evening)

May 10: Paper session (stand establishment)

Through May 8 to 10 there will also be poster presentations in connection to the meeting room. The working language will be English.

The venue

The meeting will take place in the city centre of Rome at la Protomoteca, a magnificent conference facility in Piazza del Campidoglio designed by Michelangelo. Rome is served by an international airport (Leonardo da Vinci). It is possible to get from the airport to the main railway station (Roma Termini) by taxi or by train in approximately 30 minutes. For information of the city of Rome, view the web sites at and www.underome. Weather in Rome during the meeting is expected to be mild and sunny. Average temperatures for Rome in the first part of May range from 15°C to 25°C.

Registration of interest

To indicate your interest and to receive further information, please send an e-mail, as soon as possible, to both of the following addresses:

Besides name and full address please indicate in the e-mail if you are interested in presenting a paper or poster.
If you do not have the possibility to use e-mail send a letter with the information requested above to the following address:

Lorenzo Ciccarese
Via V Brancati 48
00144 Rome

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BIODIVERSITY ASSESSMENT TOOLS - Identifying indicators to assess the impact of European policies on biodiversity

Electronic conference on Biodiversity Assessment Tools - European policy background for biodiversity assessment
6 November - 22 December 2000
Web Site:

The Electronic Conference is developed within the framework of the Biodiversity Assessment Tools project, and its first goal is to identify major components of the policy framework directly or indirectly influencing biodiversity in Europe through dialogue with stakeholders.

You may SUBSCRIBE to the E-conference either by filling the subscription form available at:

or by sending an e-mail with your personal details (Name, E-mail, Occupation, Organisation, Country) to:

A set of invited contributions will act as a start for discussion during the E-conference. All participants who subscribe to the mail list will be able to send and receive e-mails commenting on the previous contributions and to express their views in the field of biodiversity assessment and indicators.

New contributions will be forwarded daily to all the Mail List delegates, and will be launched in the E-conference web site which will be updated regularly.

The list will be moderated and coordinated by the Ministry of Environment, Government of Catalonia, in cooperation with the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH).

The Electronic Conference Secretariat
Ministry of Environment, Government of Catalonia
Av Diagonal 523-525, Barcelona e-08029
Contact person: Aniol Esteban

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Resoconto III riunione GdL SISEF “Effetti dell’inquinamento sugli ecosistemi forestali”:
Ventimiglia, 5 Ottobre 2000

 Il 5 Ottobre 2000, si è tenuta ai Giardini botanici Hanbury di  Ventimiglia (Imperia) la III riunione del GdL SISEF Effetti  dell’inquinamento sugli ecosistemi forestali, sul tema “Danni alla  vegetazione costiera ed inquinamento da tensioattivi”. Al convegno  hanno partecipato una trentina di interessati provenienti da tutta  Italia, ma anche da altri paesi del mediterraneo (Francia e Spagna),  appartenenti sia al mondo della ricerca che dell’industria che della  pubblica amministrazione. Le relazioni hanno inquadrato la  problematica dei danni da tensioattivi sulla vegetazione, spaziando  dalle caratteristiche chimiche, agli effetti macroscopici, anatomici  e fisiologici, per concludersi con un excursus sugli effetti  biochimici sugli organismi complessi, animali inclusi. Da notare che  in questa occasione sono stati per la prima volta segnalati casi di  deperimento della vegetazione da aerosol marini inquinati sulle coste  liguri, pugliesi e tunisine. Inoltre sono stati portati ulteriori  chiarimenti per aree in cui il deperimento era già stato segnalato  (litorale barcellonese in Spagna, area a SE di Marsiglia in Francia).  Di particolare rilievo la presenza del Sig. Bernard Mermod,  presidente della Scientific Community Favour Detergents Preserving  the Environment, un’associazione di scienziati che svolge funzioni di  consulenza per la Comunità Europea in vista della revisione della  legislazione sui tensioattivi, attualmente in corso. L’associazione  rileva che l’ultimo documento del Detergents Working Group  rappresenta un avanzamento nel settore dei detergenti, ma sembra  ancora inadeguato. Significativi effetti benefici sull’ambiente si  avranno solo se i tensioattivi contenuti nelle preparazioni  commerciali saranno biodegradabili al 100%. Il limite all’80%  rappresenterebbe un regresso rispetto alla legislazione di vari Paesi  europei, Italia inclusa. Poiché risulta che la maggior parte delle  industrie di tensioattivi posseggono già nuove molecole  biodegradabili al 100%, il problema non è più di tipo scientifico ma  politico. La soluzione dei problemi posti dall’aerosol marino  inquinato avrebbe ricadute positive su tutto l’ambiente litoraneo,  non solo sulla vegetazione, e permetterebbe di mantenere un  patrimonio vegetale capace di proteggere le coste dall’erosione  eolica ed idrica, riqualificandone anche gli aspetti paesaggistici.  Gli atti del convegno saranno stampati sulla rivista Linea Ecologica,  con il seguente indice:

Aspetti chimici dei tensioattivi (Lo Nostro)

  1. L’inquinamento da tensioattivi ed i suoi effetti sulla vegetazione (Paoletti, Nicolotti, Bussotti)

  2. Aspetti fisiologici dell’esposizione delle piante ad aerosol salini addizionati di tensioattivi (Lorenzini, Guidi)

  3. Ruolo dei tensioattivi nel deperimento delle pinete costiere in Toscana e Lazio (Bussotti, Grossoni)

  4. Inquinamento da tensioattivi ed effetti sulle pinete costiere liguri (Rettori, Paoletti, Nicolotti, Gullino)

  5. Indagine preliminare sul deperimento delle pinete costiere di pino d’Aleppo in Puglia (Paoletti)

  6. Il  problema degli aerosol marini inquinati in Francia e Tunisia (Garrec, El Ayeb)

  7. Meccanismidi tolleranza/sensibilità agli aerosol marini inquinati nella vegetazione della zona costiera di Barcellona (Diamantopoulos, Biel, Savè)

  8. L’interazione detergente proteina e i suoi possibili danni su organismi viventi complessi (Ranaldi, Giachetti, Vanni)

Al pomeriggio, si è svolta la gita organizzata annualmente dal GdL.  Il dott. Campodonico, curatore dei giardini, ci ha accompagnati in  un’entusiasmante visita ai Giardini Botanici Hanbury, che  costituiscono uno dei giardini di acclimatazione più importanti  d’Europa. Inoltre, sono stati visionati i danni da aerosol marino  inquinato mostrati dai pini d’Aleppo sulla costa ai margini del  giardino. La presentazione è stata curata dal dott. Rettori che  proprio in quella sede aveva effettuato analisi sulle acque, gli  aerosol e la vegetazione.

Un sentito ringraziamento a quanti hanno partecipato  all’organizzazione della giornata: Istituto per la Patologia degli  Alberi Forestali del CNR, Dipartimento di Valorizzazione e Protezione  delle Risorse Agroforestali dell’Università di Torino, Società  Italiana di Selvicoltura ed Ecologia Forestale, Giardini Botanici  Hanbury, Università di Genova, Associazione Italiana per la  Protezione delle Piante. Un ringraziamento particolare va gli oratori  e soprattutto al co-organizzatore, dott. Giovanni Nicolotti. 

Dr. Elena Paoletti
Istituto Patologia Alberi Forestali - CNR
Piazzale Cascine 28, I-50144 Firenze, Italy
Tel +39.055.3288274/360546 Fax +39.055.354786


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First Announcement


Salamanca, Spain, 12-16 May 2002



On behalf of the International Society for Seed Science (ISSS), I  hereby cordially invite you to participate in the Seventh  International Workshop on Seeds which will be held, for the first  time, under the auspices of the ISSS in Salamanca (Spain) from May 12  to May 16, 2002.

Salamanca is situated about 215 km North-West from Madrid, and  through its long history has been a participant in Spain´s most  significant historical events. In 1218, the king Alfonso IX, founded  the University of Salamanca.

In 1254, Pope Alexander IV called the University of Salamanca “one of  the four leading lights of the world”. Today it is the university  life, in all its aspects, which adds emotion and color to its daily  rhythm and Salamanca could be considered as the Spanish university  city. In the field of Art, all the styles have left their most worthy  mark on this city. Many of the buildings and sites in the town are  designated as protected areas due to their cultural and historical  value. Therefore, Salamanca is one of the cities designated by UNESCO  as World Heritage.

 I look forward to welcoming you to Salamanca and to the VII International workshop on seeds

 Gregorio Nicolás


Gregorio Nicolás (chairman),
Dolores Rodríguez ,
Carlos Nicolás,
Pilar Carbonero,
Pere Puigdomenech,


Michael Black (UK),
Kent Bradford (USA),
Daniel Come (France),
Yitzchak Gutterman (Israel),
Henk Hilhorst (Holland),
Ralph Obendorf (USA),
Hugh Pritchard (UK),
Ken Thompson (UK),
Jorge Vázquez-Ramos (México),
Gregorio Nicolás (Spain),


The meeting will provide a forum not only to highlight the advances of the past three years, but also to focus on the future of seed biology. The Workshop´s format will be very similar to that in previous meetings, encouraging participation in all sessions. The scientific program will be composed of invited plenary lectures,short oral presentations and posters, including the following topics:



Synthesis and accumulation of storage compounds

Hormonal regulation

Late maturation events


Imbibition and early germination events

Biochemical and molecular basis of germination and dormancy

Hormonal regulation

Induction and breaking of dormancy

Modeling germination and dormancy


Acquisition and loss of desiccation tolerance

Mechanisms of seed deterioration, longevity and viability

Germplasm preservation


Ecology of germination

Dispersal strategies

Seed survival and seed banks


Seed quality improvement including priming and invigoration

Genetic modification

Seed technology including artificial seeds


Please register preferabily on line ( ) or send the attached preliminary registration form by fax or e-mail to the following:

            Congress Secretariat
            Halcón Viajes Congresos
            Serranos 35. 37008   Salamanca (Spain)
            Phone: +34-923210728
            Fax: +34-923210749

Regulary updated information about the Workshop is available at the following website:



    The approximate fees will be:

    ISSS members                300 USD
    Non members                 350 USD
    Accompanying person     200 USD

Limited numbers of grants will be offered by ISSS to young members of the Society on application.


The second announcement will be sent to those who return the attached preliminary registration form before January 31th, 2001.

Please, circulate this first announcement among colleagues.


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As part of FAO's Global Forest Products Outlook Study, FAO has just produced an outlook for wood supply from forest plantations to the year 2050. The study is in three main sections. The first examines historical trends and the current status of the global forest plantation resource, in terms of its size, location, species and age composition, use and production potential. The second section examines important economic and policy factors that have driven forest plantation establishment in the past and are likely to continue to do so in the future. This section is particularly interesting and many of the issues discussed here apply to forestry development more generally. The last section presents three scenarios for future forest plantation expansion and potential roundwood production from forest plantations.

This paper is the result of a concentrated effort to collect reliable forest plantation statistics for all of the countries with significant forest plantation resources (more than 20,000 ha of forest plantations), to critically review the data and make corrections where necessary and to put this all together into a form that is comparable with all of the existing information about forest plantations held by FAO. The modelling of potential roundwood production from forest plantations is also a significant advance on previous efforts in this field. The study includes information about over sixty countries that, combined, account for about 98% of the global forest plantation resource.

Electronic and printed copies of the report can be obtained from:

Adrian Whiteman,
Forestry Officer (Sector Studies),
FAO, Room D423, Via Terme di
Caracalla, 00100 Roma, ITALY.


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Open Position: ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, Forest Geneticist and Leader, Pacific Northwest Tree Improvement Research Cooperative

Position # 002-924

LOCATION: Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OREGON, USA

STARTING DATE:  April 1, 2001

APPLICATION CLOSING DATE:  For full consideration apply by December 15, 2000.  The position will remain open until filled.

RESPONSIBILITIES:  The Department of Forest Science  ( seeks a geneticist to conduct research on  the biology, breeding, conservation, and management of genetic resources of  forest trees in the Pacific Northwestern United States.  Responsibilities  include leadership of the Pacific Northwest Tree Improvement Research  Cooperative (PNWTIRC, graduate student  advising, teaching classes, leading and participating in extended education  programs, and interacting extensively with industries, landowners,  government agencies and other stakeholders.  Research will be conducted  through the PNWTIRC and extramural grants, and include studies of the  physiological genetics of important traits of woody plants, such as growth  potential, flowering and seed production, plant architecture, stem form,  wood quality, and adaptation to environment.  Research effort will be  approximately 70%, administration of the cooperative 15%, and resident  instruction / extended education effort 15%.

BACKGROUND:  The PNWTIRC was established in 1983 and provides research  support to 17 private companies and public agencies in Oregon and  Washington.  It conducts applied tree breeding research, including studies  of genetic variation in adaptive traits, inheritance of stem and wood  quality traits, and physiology of intensive seed orchard management  techniques.  The Cooperative Leader oversees the activities of the Associate  Director, graduate students, and temporary student workers.


Essential qualifications include:

A Ph.D. in plant genetics or breeding, or a closely related disciplines

Research experience in applying current experimental methods to understanding the genetics of woody plants

Evidence of skill in teaching and advising, effective oral and written communication in English, and ability to work collaboratively with others.

Leadership skills, and ability to work effectively with industry and public agencies to solve tree-breeding problems and identify new avenues for progress.

Highly desirable capabilities include:

Strong training and experience in physiological genetics-study of  the mechanisms underlying the expression and genetic diversity of economic and  adaptive traits. Research may focus at population, organismal,  cellular, or genomic levels of organization.

Background in forestry, tree breeding, and applied  quantitative/statistical analysis.

Demonstrated ability to secure extramural research funding.

EMPLOYMENT CONDITIONS:  Full-time 12-month, tenure-track position at rank of Assistant Professor.  Salary will be dependent on qualifications.

OTHER BENEFITS:  Medical, dental, and life insurance group plans.

SETTING:  OSU is one of only ten American universities to hold the Land  Grant, Sea Grant, and Space Grant designation, and is a Carnegie  Doctoral/Research-Extensive university.  OSU is located in Corvallis, a  community of 50,000 people situated in the Willamette Valley between  Portland and Eugene.  Ocean beaches, lakes, rivers, forests, high desert,  and the rugged Cascade and Coast Ranges are all within a 100-mile drive of  Corvallis.  Approximately 14,000 undergraduate and 3,000 graduate students  are enrolled at OSU, including 2,100 U.S. students of color, and 1,080  international students.  The university has an institution-wide commitment  to diversity and multiculturalism, and provides a welcoming atmosphere with  unique professional opportunities for leaders who are women and people of  color.  All are encouraged to apply.

TO APPLY:  For full consideration send letter of interest describing  qualifications and interest in position, complete CV, copies of transcripts  of University coursework, and the names, phone numbers, and street and email  addresses of four references familiar with your qualifications by December  15, 2000 (applications will be accepted until position is filled).  Mail to:  Forest Geneticist Search Committee, c/o Sandy Lewis, Department of Forest  Science, 321 Richardson Hall, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR  97331-5752.  For additional information, call Professor Steve Strauss: (541)  737-6578,


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One Year Postdoctoral Position: 


University Of Michigan Biological Station


A one year postdoctoral position is available at the University of Michigan Biological Station. The position is to participate in the work of an NSF-funded Biocomplexity project "Biocomplexity - Incubation Activity - A New Biocomplexity Research Program for the Analysis of Forest Ecosystem Dynamics." The PI is Prof. James A. Teeri. The postdoctoral fellow will conduct modeling activities to define critical data gaps and to articulate research hypotheses. The models will address questions of carbon and energy balance of forest ecosystems and to the linkage of the nitrogen cycle to this balance. The work will include data obtained at six AmeriFlux towers in the northeastern U.S. and adjacent Canada. Modeling will be conducted in collaboration with scientists at The Ecosystems Center, Woods Hole, MA.

Desirable characteristics for this position:

A background in ecology including familiarity with biogeochemistry and forest canopy processes.

Knowledge of statistics.

Interest in modeling, but not necessarily a modeler.

Must have facility with:

compiling data

manipulating data

working with spreadsheets

Must have demonstrated ability to work with others.

Be willing to learn to work with Fortran.

Be willing to learn to work with appropriate models including: Soil-Plant-Atmosphere (SPA); Aggregated-Canopy Model (ACM); Multiple-Element-Limitation (MEL); and General-Ecosystem Model (GEM).

The position is available immediately, start date is negotiable.

Contact: Prof. James A. Teeri,; 734-763-4461.

Hans Peter Schmid, 
Assistant Professor          
Atmospheric Science Program
Department of Geography                          
701 E. Kirkwood Ave.                             
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405-7100,  USA
PHONE: 812-855 6125
FAX:   812-855 1661
Web Site

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International Conference on



For more information:

Dear Colleagues,

University of Joensuu is organising in cooperation with European Forest Institute, Finnish Environment Institute, Finnish Forest Research Institute and Finnish Biodiversity Research Programme an International Conference on 'Ecosystem Management in Boreal Forest Landscapes' 27-30 May 2001, Koli National Park, North Karelia, Finland

Further information about the conference can be found at:

Best regards,

Brita Pajari


  Brita Pajari,(Ms) M.Sc.(For.)
  Conference Manager
  European Forest Institute
  Torikatu 34, FIN-80100 Joensuu
  Tel.: +358 (0)13 252 0223
  Mobile phone: +358 (0)50 359 0362
  Fax: +358 (0)13 124 397 or 124 393


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Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry

SUPPORT RESEARCH POSITION: assembling and analysis of data and model applications

The Max-Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany seeks applicants for a support research position on assembling and analysis of data and model applications. The support research work will be performed in the framework of the project "Carbodata" undertaken within the EU "CarboEurope" cluster ( The candidate is expected to efficiently interact with scientists from various fields contributing to the project.

The successful candidate will be responsible for

data base management development: assembling climate, satellite, and land use data necessary to initialize a range of biogeochemistry models for Europe;

running existing numerical models of the biogeochemical ecosystem cycles to simulate carbon sinks and sources of European vegetation.

preparation of graphical and statistical analyses and presentations using Powerpoint or similar software.

 The candidate is required to have

a diploma, M.S., or equivalent;

experience in a LINUX/UNIX computing environment, remote sensing, GIS, and graphics software (preferably IDL);

knowledge of English.

It is desirable that the candidate has experience in ecosystem modeling, remote sensing, or in some related areas such as land-atmosphere interaction or hydrological modeling.

The salary group will be up to the BAT IIa level(approximately US$25000-38000 per year), depending on qualification and previous experience. The position is limited for a period of 2 years.

The process of applications' evaluation will continue until suitable candidate is found. Applications, with curriculum vitae and the names of two referees should be send to:

Prof. Dr. Schimel
Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry
P.O. Box 100164
D-07701 Jena, Germany  

With questions please contact Dr. Galina Churkina ( or Prof.Dr. David Schimel (


back to the summary

First Announcement And Call For Papers


14-16 March 2001
Hyytiälä Forestry Field Station
Helsinki University

Hyytiälä, Forestry Field Station is located 220 km north of Helsinki.You may visit


In 1981, W.F. Pickard wrote "In its broad outlines, the biophysical process by which sap is elevated to the tops of the highest trees can be classified as "well understood". However, though no longer terra incognita, the problem of sap ascent is most certainly not resolved in the sense that the behaviors of algebraic equations or radiating hydrogen atoms have been resolved: residua of misunderstanding persist (especially with regard to the role of osmosis) and significant lacunae abound (especially with regard to the cavitation and putative decavitation of the sap)." In 2000, all of this is still true.

There is recent evidence that the stomatal control seems to optimize tree water usage even in the northern conditions, which are generally considered humid with ample water supply. Woody structure, whose one principal task is to transport water from roots to leaf, may use more than 50% of the annual photosynthetic production. As the tree size increases both the water transport resistance and the proportion of carbohydrates that are used for tree growth increase if no structural modifications took place that may alleviate the demand. Thus, these structural modifications that are likely to reflect the climatic conditions, are important determinants of the performance of trees in competing environments. Therefore it is apparent that also understanding of the role of structural modifications on the water transport in trees is a central question in the whole tree physiology.


The aim of the workshop is to review recent advances in the water transport research and to improve understanding of the underlying biophysical processes.


Timo Vesala University of Helsinki
Eero Nikinmaa Univeristy of Helsinki
Frank Berninger University of Helsinki
Pertti Hari University of Helsinki
John Grace Edinburgh University
Maurizio Mencuccini Edinburgh University


  1. Cavitation, recovery and its functional significance
    Invited speakers: S. Salleo (Italy), M. Canny (Australia) (not confirmed)

  2. Influence of woody structure on water transport and tree development
    Invited speakers: M. Sobrado (Venezuela), M. Mencuccini (UK)

  3. Hydraulic limitation on leaf gas exchange and carbon gain
    Invited speakers: D. Whitehead (New Zealand), J. Comstock (USA)


The fee will be 300 Euro before 15.2.2001 and 400 Euro after 15.2.2001. The fee covers the traveling from Helsinki or Tampere airport or from Orivesi railway station to Hyytiälä and back on 13.3. and 17.3., and all costs in Hyytiälä, including accommodation.


Please, contact Sanna Sevanto by e-mail:


We call oral presentations and posters for the workshop. The deadline for max one-page abstracts is 15.2. 2001. and we ask you send the preliminary registration including

session number

as soon as possible to with Cc to

back to the summary


Agnoletti M., Anderson S. (2000), Methods and approaches in forest history,
CAB International, Wallingford and New York (vedi sotto).

Agnoletti M., Anderson S. (2000), Forest History: International Studies on
Socioeconomic and Forest Ecosystem Change, CAB International, Wallingford and New York.



(IUFRO Research Series no. 3).


CABI Publishing has just published a new book entitled:  

Methods and Approaches in Forest History
IUFRO Research Series, No. 3

Edited by
M Agnoletti, University of Florence, Italy
S Anderson, Forest History Society, Durham, North Carolina, USA

Publication Date: July 2000
Number of Pages: 304
Binding: Hardback
ISBN: 0851994202
Price: £49.95 (US$90.00)

Readership: Forestry, history, geography.
IUFRO Research Series, No. 3

A companion to Forest History: International Studies on Socioeconomic and Forest Ecosystem Change which includes over 20 papers from the same conference held in Florence in 1998. This volume focuses on the different approaches and methods adopted in the study of forest history. The interdisciplinary nature of these studies is emphasized, bringing in the different perspectives of anthropologists, botanists, ecologists, foresters, historians, geneticists and geographers. This volume demonstrates the rich diversity of approaches and methods to forest history.


The development of forest history research, M Agnoletti

Changing Roles of the Forest History Society: New Approaches to Environmental History in North America, S Anderson

How Professional Historians Can Play a Useful Role in the Study of an Interdisciplinary Forest History, C Ernst

Putting 'Flesh on the Carbon-Based Bones of Forest History', M Williams

From Positivism to the Culture of Complexity, O Ciancio and S Nocentini

Nature: Search for Forest Images and the Understanding of Nature in the Past, B Selter,

The Age and Size of Hazel (Corylus avellana L.) Stools of Nåtö Island, Åland Islands, SW Finland, C-A Hæggström

The Study of Charcoal Burning Sites in the Apennine Mountains of Liguria (NW Italy) as a Tool for Forest History, C Montanari, P Prono, and S Scipioni

Local Economic History, Environmental History and Forest History: Some Swedish Experiences and Suggestions, S Gaunitz,

Socioeconomical and Ecological Aspects of Coppice Woods History in the Lower Vosges (France) and the Black Forest (Germany), R Ostermann and A Reif

The Forest History of Boreal Sweden - A Multidisciplinary Approach, L Östlund and O Zackrisson

Preindustrial Forests in Central Europe as Objects of Historical-Geographical Research, W Schenk

Methods Towards Studying Historical Changes in Forest and Landscape Patterns: a Comparison Between Two Nearby Socioeconomic Contexts, V Robiglio

Temporal and Spatial Changes in a Boreal Forest Landscape: GIS Applications, A-L Axelsson

Comparing Damages: Italian and American Concepts of Restoration, M Hall

Searching for Common Ground: Reconstructing Landscape History in East Africa's Eastern Arc Mountains, C A Conte

The 'Alnoculture' System in the Ligurian Eastern Apennines: Archive Evidence, S Bertolotto and R Cevasco

Between Nature and Culture: the Contribution of Anthropology to Environmental Study, P Clemente and N Breda and V Lapiccirella-Zingari

Prehistoric Cultures and the Development of Woodlands, H Küster

Integration Between Genetic and Archaeobotanical Data in a Study on the Evolutionary History of Pinus halepensis Mill. Populations in Southern Italy, S Puglisi, G Fiorentino, R Lovreglio and V Leone

Xylology and Forest History, E Corona

Italy Bristlecone Pines and Tales of Change in the Great Basin, M P Cohen

Biodiversity and Forest Management: From Biodiversity to Geochronodiversity, P Arnould, M Hotyat and L Simon

Temporal Differences in Forest History at Two Sites in Eastern North America, G B Blank

back to the summary




a cura di Antonio Brunori, moderatore della lista
Web Site:


1. Scopo della mailing list "Summacop"

Questa è una mail informativa della mailing list "", acronimo in inglese traducibile in "Gestione sostenibile e multifunzionale dei cedui in Umbria" (Sustainable and Multifunctional Management of Coppice in Umbria).

Scopo di questo "gruppo di discussione telematico" è quello di informare gli iscritti sullo stato di avanzamento del progetto e di divulgarne le metodologie adoperate e i suoi risultati.

Allo stesso tempo si pone l'obiettivo di creare un'occasione di scambio di informazioni e di dibattito sui temi cardine di Summacop, cioè gestione forestale sostenibile, multifunzionalità dei boschi, governo a ceduo, forme di trattamento, ecc., se inseriti nel contesto del progetto.

2. Informazioni sul progetto

Il progetto "Summacop" è iniziato il 29 Marzo 2000 e ha durata biennale. Finanziato dall'Unione Europea (con risorse del programma Life-Ambiente), dalla Regione Umbria e con il contributo di tutti i partecipanti al progetto (vedi lista allegata), ha come obiettivo principale quello di promuovere nuove forme di gestione del bosco ceduo (che interessa circa il 30% della superficie forestale in Europa e l'85% in Umbria). Il progetto vuole realizzare interventi che dimostrino l'applicabilità al ceduo di alcuni sistemi della selvicoltura naturalistica, in modo da migliorarel'efficienza multifunzionale di questi boschi.

Tali interventi sono caratterizzati da approcci diversificati su piccole aree, mirati alla valorizzazione delle caratteristiche del bosco e corrispondenti ad interventi di ceduazione (con distribuzione uniforme oa gruppi delle piante rilasciate) o ad interventi di avviamento ad alto fusto.

3. Chi partecipa al progetto

Regione dell'Umbria - Servizio Programmazione Forestale, Faunistico Venatoria ed Economia Montana

Istituto Sperimentale per la Selvicoltura di Arezzo

Università degli Studi di Perugia - Dipartimento di Biologia Vegetale e Biotecnologie Agro-ambientali

Università degli Studi di Firenze - Dipartimento di Scienze eTecnologie Ambientali e Forestali

Comunità Montana Monte Peglia e Selva di Meana

Comunità Montana Monte Subasio

Comunità Montana Alto Chiascio

Comunità Montana Valnerina

4. Caratteristiche della mailing list "Summacop"

La mailing list è moderata ossia è gestita da un moderatore che legge I messaggi spediti all'indirizzo della lista ( e che decide se sia il caso di inoltrarli a tutti i membri della lista. Ciò permette di escludere i messaggi non inerenti al gruppo di discussione.

Tutti gli interventi giunti al moderatore saranno ricevuti dagli utenti una volta al giorno, e saranno relativi ai messaggi spediti il giorno precedente. I messaggi spediti il venerdì, il sabato e la domenica saranno leggibili il lunedì successivo.

Gli utenti non interessati a ricevere ulteriori comunicazioni dalla mailing list, sono pregati di segnalarlo al moderatore ( inserendo nell'oggetto della mail la parola "unsubscribe".

5. "Galateo" della lista

Pur essendo un gruppo di discussione "moderato", si richiede ai partecipanti alla lista di rispettare una serie di norme di buona educazione, raggruppate sotto il nome di netiquette (parola inglese formata dalla fusione di net (rete) e etiquette (galateo)). Queste regole, proprio come le comuni regole di buona educazione, si sono formate col tempo semplicemente allo scopo di evitare situazioni sgradevoli e di limitare l'uso inutile delle risorse della rete.

Per chi desiderasse approfondire il tema delle norme di comportamento in Internet, può far riferimento in particolare: all'allegato 1 della modulistica  necessaria per le richieste di registrazione di un nome a domini sotto il codice "it"; ai documenti RFC1855 "Netiquette Guidelines", RFC2635 "A Set of Guidelines for Mass Unsolicited Mailings and Postings" (disponibili presso:,; alle pagine Web rintracciabili ai siti: e

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Il prossimo Bollettino e’ previsto per Dicembre 2000.  





Last Update: 08/11/2001 - Web Master: G. Bucci