No 14 - Feb 01
No 15 - Mar 01
No 16 - Apr 01
No 17 - Mag 01
No 18 - Lug 01
No 19 - Sep 01
No 20 - nov 01


Bollettino Elettronico Soci S.I.S.E.F
No. 15 - 15 Febbraio 2001


G. Bucci
M. Borghetti
E. Paoletti
F. Magnani
P. De Angelis

Il Bollettino della Societa' Italiana di Selvicoltura ed Ecologia Forestale viene diffuso via E-mail ai Soci e ad una lista di indirizzi di persone afferenti ad enti interessati alle tematiche forestali ed ambientali. Chi non fosse interessato a ricevere i successivi bollettini è pregato di inviare un messaggio di rinuncia a:

Il Bollettino dei Soci è disponibile assieme ad altro materiale relativo alla SISEF, alle sue iniziative, a notizie di interesse per la ricerca forestale, alle modalità di iscrizione alla Società presso il sito WEB:

Chiunque fosse interessato a diffondere presso i soci o gli enti suddetti annunci di convegni, informazioni circa iniziative relative al campo dell'Ecologia Forestale e della Selvicoltura o altro materiale d'interesse per i Soci, puo' inviare un messaggio a:


Annuncio ai Soci: 'Sezione 'Ricerca' della rivista 'Monti e Boschi'' - A partire dal n.1 dell'anno 2001, la sezione 'Ricerca' di Monti e Boschi sarà curata da un comitato editoriale espresso dalla Società Italiana di Selvicoltura ed Ecologia Forestale (S.I.S.E.F.).
Manuale: 'Propagazione per seme degli alberi e arbusti della flora mediterranea'
Novità Editoriale: 'Air Pollution and the Forests of Developing and Rapidly Industrialising Countries' - edited by J.L. Innes and Haron Abu Hassan
2nd International Symposium: 'Modelling Cropping Systems'
ANPA-IUFRO Meeting: 'Nursery production and stand establishment of braodleaves to promote sustainable forest management'
IUFRO 4.11 Conference: 'Forest Biometry, Modelling and Information Science' - First Announcement and Call for Papers
2nd International Workshop on Grapevine Trunk Diseases: ' MPU/ICGTD Workshop on Esca and Grapevine Declines' - Satellite meeting of the 11 th Congress of Mediterranean Phytopathological Union
8th Annual Conference of the European Forest Institute: 'Scientific Seminar on Risk Management and Sustainable Forestry'
Science Director & Project Assistant Positions: 'Assessment of the Impacts of and Adaptation to Climate Change (AIACC) in Multiple Regions and Sectors'
Position: 'Fire Ecology Professorship at Colorado State University'
Post-Doc Position: 'PostDoctoral research Scientist in growth / yield / stand dynamics' - NSERC (Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada)
Position: 'Assistant Professor of Silviculture - College of Natural Resources' - University of Minnesota
PhD-student or post-doc Position Available: 'Economical and organisational effects of the conversion/transformation of pure coniferous stands into close-to nature mixed stands considering risk on the forest enterprise level' - Institute of Forestry Economics, Albert Ludwigs-Universität of Freiburg, Germany
Giornata di studio: 'Le incertezze nelle diverse fasi delle misure ambientali: dal campionamento all'elaborazione dei dati. Un confronto tra gli operatori del settore'

Annuncio ai Soci:
Sezione 'Ricerca' della rivista 'Monti e Boschi'
A partire dal n.1 dell'anno 2001, la sezione 'Ricerca' di Monti e Boschi sarà curata da un comitato editoriale espresso dalla Società Italiana di Selvicoltura ed Ecologia Forestale (S.I.S.E.F.)..

Sender: SISEF
Received: 15/02/2001

Contact: Marco Borghetti
La sezione 'Ricerca' della rivista 'Monti & Boschi' si ripropone di pubblicare lavori che riguardino qualsiasi aspetto delle Scienze Forestali ed abbiano sia contenuto sperimentale che teorico-metodologico. Con particolare attenzione saranno considerati i lavori in cui si evidenzino le prospettive applicative della ricerca svolta. Non verranno presi in considerazione lavori che si limitino ad esprimere opinioni non supportate da evidenze sperimentali. Saranno considerati anche lavori di rassegna su argomenti di particolare rilevanza, ma in questo caso si prega di prendere preventivamente contatti con il comitato editoriale. Nella selezione dei lavori da pubblicare nella sezione ricerca, il comitato si avvarrà della collaborazione di referee anonimi scelti in funzione del contenuto del lavoro sottoposto per la pubblicazione. La decisione finale circa l'accettazione dei lavori spetterà esclusivamente al comitato editoriale. Maggiori informazioni alla Home Page della Società.

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Propagazione per seme degli alberi e arbusti della flora mediterranea

Sender: Beti Piotto
Received: 02/02/2001

Contact: Beti Piotto
L'AGENZIA NAZIONALE PER LA PROTEZIONE DELL'AMBIENTE (ANPA) intende distribuire gratuitamente agli Enti interessati un manuale sulla 'Propagazione per seme degli alberi e arbusti della flora mediterranea'. Il volume oltre ad una serie di capitoli introduttivi, che descrivono l'ambiente mediterraneo e la sua vegetazione, contiene 110 schede a carattere pratico-vivaistico relative ad altrettante specie. In ogni scheda è possibile trovare informazioni sul numero di semi per Kg, sulla facoltà germinativa, sulla conservazione della semente, sui trattamenti utili per rimuovere eventuali dormienze e sulle cure necessarie durante le prime fasi di allevamento in vivaio. Nel caso in cui siate interessati al manuale, vogliate indicare il/i nominativo/i con relativo indirizzo postale completo del/dei responsabile/i dell'Istituzione. Dott.ssa Beti Piotto ANPA - Dipartimento Prevenzione e Risanamento Ambientali Via Vitaliano Brancati, 48 00144 Roma Tel.: 06 50072616 Fax: 06 50072649 e-mail:

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Novità Editoriale:
Air Pollution and the Forests of Developing and Rapidly Industrialising Countries
edited by J.L. Innes and Haron Abu Hassan.

Sender: Elena Paoletti
Received: 07/02/2001

Contact: -
SPECIAL OFFER - SAVE 10%* ON THE FOLLOWING BOOK TITLES: (*IUFRO members are eligible for a further discount, please contact customer support at for further information) ** Air Pollution and the Forests of Developing and Rapidly Industrialising Countries** Edited by J.L. Innes and Haron Abu Hassan IUFRO Research Series, No. 4 August 2000 264 pages HB ISBN 0 85199 481 4 £49.95 (US$90.00) For further information please visit: ** Forest Dynamics in Heavily Polluted Regions ** Edited by J.L. Innes and J. Oleksyn IUFRO Research Series, No. 1 October 1999 256 pages HB ISBN 0 85199 376 1 £40.00 (US$75.00) For further information please visit: To receive your special 10% discount, please quote reference AOD when placing your order. Full ordering details can be found on the CABI Publishing website at:

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2nd International Symposium:
Modelling Cropping Systems

Sender: Marco Bindi
Received: 31/01/2001

Contact: Symposium secretariat
In the last fifteen years modelling tools have evolved from models that simulate one crop for a fraction of a year to integrated modelling approaches that model crop sequences at various input levels. The 1st symposium on Modelling Cropping Systems held in Lleida during 1999 has shown a variety of approaches and activities on going in the field of modelling cropping systems, but it also showed the need to go beyond the stage of prototyping, given the increasing demand for model applications in scenario analysis. This 2nd symposium is aimed at presenting and discussing approaches for process simulation in cropping systems modelling. A special emphasis will be given to the integration and comparison of such approaches, and to the techniques to develop and maintain cropping systems models. The symposium will take place in Florence, organized by IATA-CNR, on July 16-18, 2001. See the important dates of the symposium. During September 2000 web pages will be made accessible to provide details about the symposium organization, the summary submission, etc. There will be four sessions: 1) "Approaches for Process Simulation" 2) "Model Parametrization and Testing" 3) "Model Application and Development" 4) "Software Development and Demonstration" Each day there will be poster and software demonstration sessions. The proceedings will be published using the ESA proceedings format (two pages camera-ready). Both a hard copy and a CD-ROM will be given to each participant containing all the abstracts and the software made available by participants. Abstracts are required also for the session Software Demonstration. A selection of papers will be published in one or two dedicated issues of the European Journal of Agronomy, Elsevier. The selection will be made during the symposium by the members of the Advisory Board, the Scientific Secretariat, and the Scientific Committee. The members of the Advisory Board of the Symposium are: G. Maracchi (IT) - Chairman; E. Bonari (IT), E. Fereres (SP), G. Hammer (AUS), M. Kropff (NL), J.W. Jones (USA), C. Stockle (USA), H.Stutzel (DE), T. Sinclair (USA) The members of the Scientific Secretariat are: M.Bindi (IT), M.Donatelli (IT), J.Porter (DK), M.Van Ittersum (NL) The members of the Scientific Committee are: M.Acutis (IT), P.Debaeke (FR), F.Danuso (IT), B.Gabrielle (FR), R.Gommes (BL), G.Hoogenboom (USA), H.Kage (DE), L.Kuchar (PL), R. Matthews (UK), H.Meinke (AUS), P.Smith (UK), F.Tubiello (USA), F.Van Evert (NL), J.M.Villar (SP), F.Villalobos (SP). Contact: Symposium Secretariat (, (please do not change the subject which automatically appears in your message)

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Nursery production and stand establishment of braodleaves to promote sustainable forest management

Sender: Beti Piotto
Received: 30/01/2001

Contact: Anders Mattsson, Alessandra Fino
Considerable changes have occurred in forest nursery stock demand. The aspect of sustainable forestry together with focus on biodiversity and the discussion of global climatic changes have raised the interest for production and outplanting of broad-leaves. Hence, there will be a considerable increase in the requirement for broad-leaved forest planting stock in the future. This situation will also have a major impact on future production technology and outplanting operations. PURPOSE AND AREA OF INTEREST. This conference will bring together scientists, forest managers, policy advisors, private nursery entrepreneurs and producers of nursery equipment to: * present biological results and technical solutions regarding nursery production and stand establishment of forest broad-leaves; * discuss future development within this area to promote sustainable forest management. For more information mail to:,,

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IUFRO 4.11 Conference:
Forest Biometry, Modelling and Information Science
First Announcement and Call for Papers.

Sender: Federico Magnani
Received: 06/02/2001

Contact: F.Barkshire, K.Rennolls
In the last decade the techniques for Mathematical and Statistical Modelling and Analysis have become vastly more powerful than they were previously. The exponential growth of computer power, both in terms of speed and storage, and the appearance of computationally intense techniques such as the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) means that what was impossible a decade ago is now possible. It is feasible to build very large and complex models and to calibrate them using vast electronically stored databanks. The vastness of the data currently being collected routinely by modern instrumentation, (satellites, laser scanners etc.), demands the use of complex modelling and calibration efforts to make effective use of such data. The full potential of these techniques and tools has hardly been recognised by applied biometricians and modellers, let alone forest researchers in general. One of the main objectives of this conference is to address this issue and to move towards making better use of the power in our hands. A parallel, and equally important issue is that of the conservation and management of the vast data resources which relate to the forests of the world. Clearly the Information Scientists have major methodological contributions to make in this area. Hence an aim of the conference is to provide a forum for debate of these issues and to foster collaboration in this area. It is now 40+ years since Matérn’s classic on "Spatial Variation" ; 30+ years since the forest survey/inventory papers of Cunia ; 30+ years since the appearance of the individual tree model of Monroe. Question: Do we as a community of Forest Biometricians and Modellers have a coherent and generally accepted set of tools for : the analysis and modelling of spatial processes appropriate to forests and the animal populations that live within them? the optimal design of modern forest surveys and inventories? the modelling of the growth of trees and forests, as stands, as individual trees, (and possibly process-based), from the Tundra to the Tropics? Answer: We do NOT! Question: Why not? One of the major underlying themes of the conference will be to address this question and to identify possible 4.11-community wide actions that would aim to put such toolkits in our hands at some time in the future. The final slot of each Session of the conference, and the final Session of the Conference have been reserved for the discussion (and resolution?) of this and other general issues. IUFRO 4.11 (International Union of Forest research Organisations: Statistical Methods, Mathematics, and Computing) has had a series of meetings over the last decade which have mostly been on specific themes, and hence could not attract all forest biometricians from all areas of methodology and applications. One of the aims of this conference is to provide a forum for all Forest Biometricians, (Statisticians, Mathematical and Computer Modellers, and Information Scientists) to meet and discuss their methodological contributions to the wide-ranging forest research activities of IUFRO. While the focus is on the methodology, as indicated in the title of the conference, it is hoped that the meeting will be sponsored by other IUFRO groups and attended by researchers whose primary research is in the areas of application. In order to encourage this a number of "main themes" are suggested below.

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2nd International Workshop on Grapevine Trunk Diseases:
MPU/ICGTD Workshop on Esca and Grapevine Declines
Satellite meeting of the 11 th Congress of Mediterranean Phytopathological Union.

Sender: Elena Paoletti
Received: 02/02/2001

Contact: Helena Oliveira
A satellite meeting of the 11 th Congress of MPU - 2nd International Workshop on Grapevine Trunk Diseases "Esca and Grapevine Declines" - jointly organised by the: Mediterranean Phytopathological Union, the International Council on Grapevine Trunk Diseases and the Portuguese Phytopathological Society, Lisbon, Portugal, 14-15 September, 2001. After the workshop on “Esca and Grapevine declines” organized by the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union and the International Council on Grapevine Trunk Diseases in Siena in 1999, the Proceedings of which were published as a Special issue in Vol 39(1) of Phytopathologia Mediterranea (2000), the boards of the Union and of ICGTD have decided to organize a second Workshop on the same topic, as a satellite meeting of the11th Congress of MPU. The Congress will be held in Evora, Portugal, from 17 to 20 September 2001 and will be organized by the Portuguese Phytopathological Society. The 2nd International Workshop on Grapevine Trunk Diseases - Esca and grapevine declines will take place in Lisbon from 14 through 15 September 2001. The workshop is being organized by Helena Oliveira and Cecilia Rego, supported by a scientific committee including H. Oliveira, A. Phillips, A. Graniti, B. Dubos, I. Pascoe, P. Crous and G. Surico. The scientific committee will be responsible for choosing invited lectures, and oral presentations from the pre-registrations received. Central coordinator Laura Mugnai. If the workshop should have a very wide participation the meeting will be organized in sections: main lectures, and some oral presentations and posters. The scientific committee will be responsible for choosing invited lectures and oral presentations from the pre-registrations received. Details regarding payment of registration fees, presentation of posters and manuscripts ('extended summaries'), will be sent with the 2nd circular, to all those who return this pre-registration form: MPU/ICGTD Workshop on Esca and grapevine declines Prof. Helena Oliveira (DPPF) Instituto Superior de Agronomia Tapada da Ajuda 1349-018 Lisboa Portugal Phone numbers: +351-213653442, 351-213610195 Fax: +351-213610196 e-mail:

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8th Annual Conference of the European Forest Institute:
Scientific Seminar on Risk Management and Sustainable Forestry

Sender: Federico Magnani
Received: 07/02/2001

Contact: Michel Arbez, Brita Pajari
EFI members and other interested observers are cordially welcome to the Eight Annual Conference of the European Forest Institute on 8 - 10 September 2001 in Bordeaux, France. The event consists of Scientific Seminar 'Risk Management and Sustainable Forestry' on 8 September; EFI Annual Conference on 9 September ; Full-day excursion on 10 September. The Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) and the European Institute for Plantation Forests IEFC (also the co-ordinator of the EFI Regional Project Centre on cultivated forests) have kindly offered to act as the hosts of the event. The Conference will be held at the premises of the prestigious "Hotel de la Région" which is the building of the Regional Council (in other words the Aquitaine Region Parliament). The Seminar is focused on the following topics: *Genetic risks; *Climatic hazards (such as wind throw, exceptional summer drought, etc.); *Forest fires; *Phytosanitary risks and wildlife damage; *Global change and risks. In the morning the seminar programme includes keynote presentations enlightening the theme of the seminar, and tentatively a poster session. In the afternoon the issues are dealt with more widely in working groups, followed by a plenary session. Call for Posters: EFI members are invited to submit abstracts for posters on the above mentioned topics. The poster abstracts (max 300 words) should be sent by 30 June 2001 to Ms. Brita Pajari at EFI ( as a hard copy and on a diskette or as an email attachment file. The organising committee will select the posters based on the abstracts and will notify the authors by 15 July 2001. Abstracts of accepted posters will be made available during the meeting.

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Science Director & Project Assistant Positions:
Assessment of the Impacts of and Adaptation to Climate Change (AIACC) in Multiple Regions and Sectors

Sender: Federico Magnani
Received: 02/02/2001

Contact: Roland Fuchs, Mohamed Hassan
Dear All, Below is an announcement for two job positions recently created to manage the newly funded GEF Project entitled "Assessment of the Impacts of and Adaptation to Climate Change (AIACC) in Multiple Regions and Sectors". We would greatly appreciate your help in widely distributing this accouncement to all scientists within your network. Please send all questions and inquries to Thank you, Roland Fuchs Assessment of the Impact of and Adaptation to Climate Change Project The international START Secretariat (START) and the Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) are the co-executing agencies for the new Global Environmental Facility (GEF) Project entitled "Assessment of the Impacts of and Adaptation to Climate Change (AIACC) in Multiple Regions and Sectors." This four-year capacity-building project will fund about 20 national, regional, and multi-national projects that are sectoral or multi-sectoral in Africa, Central and South America, Asia and Small Island States. START and TWAS seek experienced staff to provide scientific management leadership for the AIACC project and invite applications for qualified candidates for the position of Science Director and Project Assistant. Each appointment will initially be for two years, subject to renewal. Working language is English. Each position will be filled during the first quarter of 2001. Prospective candidates should be available for telephone and/or personal interviews during March 2001. Applications will be considered through 01 March 2001. Science Director The Science Director will be based at the START Secretariat in Washington DC, USA and will be responsible for the overall management of the project. Specifically the director will be responsible for: - Providing scientific and managerial leadership and budget allocation for projects; - Co-chairing the technical committee; - Finalizing the project design in conjunction with the technical and executive committees; - Reviewing and selecting projects in conjunction with the technical and executive committees; - Designing and facilitating workshops and training programs - Overseeing the mid-term project review process - Liaison with all relevant research programs and international assessments, including the IPCC and Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. The selection criteria include: - Substantial professional experience beyond a relevant Ph.D; - Demonstrated ability to provide scientific leadership; - Demonstrated ability to work within a team; - IPCC assessment experience; - Demonstrated ability to motivate professionals from developing countries; - Demonstrated ability to organize/manage training and/or technical assistance programs; - Ability to work within a fast-paced environment; - Developing country experience; - Experience in climate change, both natural science and social science aspects, in particular with respect to impacts and adaptation; - Proficiency in a language in addition to English (desirable); Project Assistant The Project Assistant will be based at the TWAS office in Trieste, Italy and will be responsible for assisting the Science Director with management of the program. Specifically the project assistant will be responsible for - Serving as secretary to the technical committee; - Day to day management of the projects, including organizing the peer-review; proposal process, conducting the mid-term project review process, monitoring the budget, organizing meetings and teleconferences of the technical and executive committees The selection criteria include: - A relevant post-graduate degree - Experience in project management - Experience with climate change issues, preferably with familiarity with developing country issues, in particular impact and adaptation - Field experience in developing country (desirable) - Experience in training (desirable) - Previous involvement in the IPCC process (desirable) - Proficiency in a language in addition to English (desirable) Please email applications to: (Please include in the subject line: AIACC position for which you are applying.) Or mail applications to both: Prof. Roland Fuchs International START Secretariat 2000 Florida Ave. N.W. Suite 200 Washington, DC 20009 USA Prof. Mohamed Hassan Third World Academy of Sciences c/o ICTP PO Box 561-Via Beirut 6-34100 Trieste ITALY - no phone calls please.

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Fire Ecology Professorship at Colorado State University

Sender: Federico Magnani
Received: 02/02/2001

Contact: Dan Binkley
The Department of Forest Sciences at Colorado State University is seeking applications for a 9-month, tenure-track faculty position at the full professor rank in the area of fire ecology. Responsibilities include teaching, research, service, and outreach. Qualifications: Applicants must hold an earned doctorate with expertise in an area related to forest fire ecology. Candidates should demonstrate the capability for providing disciplinary leadership while building on Colorado State’s historic strengths in fire management and ecology. Candidates must provide evidence of a strong record of research accomplishment and publications. Responsibilities: The successful candidate will be expected to (1) teach undergraduate courses in support of the department’s core curriculum and develop innovative undergraduate and graduate-level courses in forest fire ecology, (2) mentor and advise students, 3) demonstrate a high likelihood of developing and sustaining a major externally-funded research program in the area of forest fire ecology, (4) strengthen partnerships with colleagues inside and outside the University, and (5) contribute to outreach activities in the area of forest fire ecology. The faculty member will also be expected to provide leadership in our program, collaborate with other faculty members, serve on committees and perform other duties normally associated with academic appointments. Salary: Commensurate with qualifications. Institutional Setting: Faculty in the Department of Forest Sciences focus on the ecology and management of forested landscapes; they also participate in university programs such as the Graduate Degree Program in Ecology or Western Forest Fire Research Center. Additional information on the Department of Forest Sciences can be found at The successful candidate will join a world-class College of Natural Resources, located in a region where fire ecology is fundamental to understanding forest landscapes and societal interactions. The CNR comprises five departments and research units such as the Center for Ecological Management of Military Lands and Natural Resource Ecology Lab. Fort Collins is a hub for many federal and state research and management agencies, including the new federal Natural Resources Research Center, Colorado State Forest Service, USGS Midcontinent Ecological Science Center, US Forest Service, and Colorado Division of Wildlife. Closing date for application: Applications will be considered until the position is filled; however, applications should be submitted by March 15, 2001 for full consideration. Qualified applicants should submit a letter of application (addressing the above qualifications and responsibilities, and including a vision statement for this position), resume, and contact information for three references to Dr. Philip N. Omi, Chair, Search Committee, Dept. of Forest Sciences, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO 80523-1470; (970) 491-6911, FAX (970) 491-6754. The Colorado Open Records Act may permit the University to treat your application as confidential to a limited extent. If you wish to have your application treated as confidential, to the extent permitted by law, it must be accompanied by a written request that all materials submitted be held in confidence to the extent permitted under the Colorado Open Records Act at the time it is submitted to the Search Committee. Under the Act, applications of “finalists” become public. Finalists are those applicants selected by the Search Committee or applicants still being considered 21 days before the position is to be filled. If there are six or fewer applicants for the position, however, they are all considered “finalists” and their applications are open to public inspection immediately after the closing date. Ethnic minorities and women are encouraged to apply. Colorado State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and complies with all Federal and Colorado State laws, regulations, and executive orders regarding affirmative action requirements. The Office of Equal Opportunity is located in Room 101 Student Services. In order to assist Colorado State University in meeting its affirmative action responsibilities, ethnic minorities, women and other protected class members are encouraged to apply and to so identify themselves. Dan Binkley Department of Forest Sciences; Graduate Degree Program in Ecology; Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory; Colorado State University Ft. Collins, CO 80523 970 491 6519 970 491 2796 (fax)

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Post-Doc Position:
PostDoctoral research Scientist in growth / yield / stand dynamics
NSERC (Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada).

Sender: Federico Magnani
Received: 07/02/2001

Contact: Tony Zhang
A highly motivated postdoctoral research scientist is sought to join a multidisciplinary project funded by NSERC (Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada) Strategic Program. The project is supported by scientists of diverse expertise from Laval University (Drs. Cloutier, Ruel and Bégin), University of New Brunswick (Dr. Chui), Canadian Forest Service (Drs. Newton and Ung) and Forintek Canada Corp. (Dr. Zhang). The successful candidate will play a key role in the development of a non-traditional Stand Density Management Diagram (SDMD) as an innovative decision-support tool for black spruce management in eastern Canada. The candidate must have proven experience in growth/yield, stand dynamics or forest biometrics. Additional experience in SDMD and computer programming is most desirable. It is important that the candidate is able to work in a team environment and communicate with scientists of different areas. We offer an attractive salary (plus travel funds) which commensurates with qualifications and experience. The funding for the postdoctoral scientist is available immediately for up to 4 years. Qualified candidates are invited to send their letters of interest and resume to: Dr. Tony Zhang; Forintek Canada Corp.; 319 rue Franquet; Sainte-Foy, Quebec, Canada G1P 4R4; Tel: 418-659 2647; Fax: 418-659 2922; E-mail: While every applicant is thanked for her or his interest, only those being considered will be contacted.

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Assistant Professor of Silviculture - College of Natural Resources
University of Minnesota.

Sender: Federico Magnani
Received: 14/02/2001

Contact: Thomas E. Burk
Description: Tenure track appointment with responsibilities for teaching (50%) and research (50%). The position is in the Department of Forest Resources and located on the St. Paul Campus. Qualifications: Ph.D. by the time of appointment with concentration and/or expertise in silviculture relevant to the responsibilities listed below. The ability to communicate with forestry field professionals and identify and solve problems important to them is essential. At least one degree in forestry is required. A background in ecology and quantitative and integrative approaches is preferred, as is experience with issues of forest productivity and sustainability. Experience in designing and conducting research is also required. A commitment to excellence in undergraduate and graduate teaching is required, including the ability to advise and work with students. Strong oral and written communication skills are essential, including the ability to publish in leading peer reviewed scientific journals.

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PhD-student or post-doc Position Available:
Economical and organisational effects of the conversion/transformation of pure coniferous stands into close-to nature mixed stands considering risk on the forest enterprise level
Institute of Forestry Economics, Albert Ludwigs-Universität of Freiburg, Germany.

Sender: Federico Magnani
Received: 05/02/2001

Contact: Marc Hanewinkel
Due to a change in the staff of the research group: 1 vacancy for a graduate scientific collaborator (PhD-student or post-doc, part – time 50%) is to be filled at the Institute of Forestry Economics at the Albert Ludwigs-Universität of Freiburg, Germany (director: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Oesten). The successful candidate will work on a research project, funded by the Federal Government of Germany for the Southern Black Forest Region, entitled: 'Economical and organisational effects of the conversion/transformation of pure coniferous stands into close-to nature mixed stands considering risk on the forest enterprise level'. - Goals of the project - Central goal of the whole project is to develop a DSS (Decision Support System). With the help of the DSS, model-based, prognostic investigations of conversion/transformation processes from an economic point of view at the forest enterprise level will be carried out. - Parts of the project - Research Topics: The whole project is divided into three parts (1 – economic analysis, 2– organisational analysis, 3 – risk analysis). The successful candidate will focus on part 3 of the project (risk analysis) working within an existing research group. Time to become acquainted with special forestry/economic topics within the project will be provided. The third part of the project will treat the influence of risk during conversion / transformation - processes. A forest-unit-based risk analysis with the case studies to estimate the chances of success for conversion processes under risk will be executed. Site- and risk-adapted conversion concepts will be developed, economic effects of conversion processes under risk shall be assessed and conversion strategies shall be optimised considering risk aspects. Within this part of the project, an empirical basis for risk events in forest enterprises of the Black Forest has been elaborated and different methodological approaches (classical statistics as well as alternative approaches of artificial intelligence) have been tested. - Applicants, Start, Duration, Integration into the working group: - The job announcement is aimed mainly at forestry scientist, though, applicants from other disciplines (microeconomics, operations research, mathematics) willing to practice in forestry basics are welcome. The start of this part of the project will be 15th April 2001. Duration is firstly limited to 18 months, however if the project is successful, the chances to renew the contract are good. Salary according to the Federal Employee's Tariff (BAT 2a, 50%) depends on the age and the marital status of the applicant (Example : 49.000 DM (~ 25.100 Euro) gross p. a., 31 years old, married, 1 child). Additional financial support for scientific help, travelling and investments will be provided. The results of the different parts of the project will be integrated into the DSS, which is presently elaborated by a research group consisting of a computer scientist, a GIS Expert and a postdoc as team leader. Ability for team work and skills in statistics are required. Knowledge in methods of artificial intelligence (artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic) would be an advantage. Readiness to become acquainted with these technologies is required. The project can be elaborated to a PhD-thesis. Basic knowledge in German would be favourable but is not necessary. Information about Freiburg, a beautiful town in South West Germany, the 'green capital of the Black Forest', close to Switzerland and France is available under . - Applications to: Dr. Marc Hanewinkel, Institut für Forstökonomie – Institute of Forestry Economics University of Freiburg - Tennenbacherstr. 4 79106 Freiburg - Tel. : ++49-761-203-3686, Fax ++49-761-203-3690 Email : -- --------------------------------- Dr. Marc Hanewinkel - University of Freiburg Institute of Forestry Economics, Tennenbacherstr. 4, 79106 Freiburg Phone: 49-761-203-3686, Fax: 49-761-203-3690

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Giornata di studio:
Le incertezze nelle diverse fasi delle misure ambientali: dal campionamento all'elaborazione dei dati. Un confronto tra gli operatori del settore

Sender: Elena Paoletti
Received: 02/02/2001

Contact: Secretariat
Il giorno19 febbraio, l'ANPA organizza una giornata di studio sul tema "Le incertezze nelle diverse fasi delle misure ambientali: dal campionamento all'elaborazione dei dati. Un confronto tra gli operatori del settore". La partecipazione alla giornata di studio del 19 febbraio 2001 e' gratuita. Poiche' gli spazi a disposizione sono limitati, siete pregati di confermare la vostra partecipazione alla giornata di studio al seguente indirizzo e-mail: entro la fine della prossima settimana (9 febbraio 2001).

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