Antonio Bodini

Antonio Bodini

"...the only way we have of studying the unknown is by pretending that it is like the known. That the unknown is like the known makes science possible; that it is also unlike the known makes science necessary. This conflict is the reason that all theories are eventually proven to be wrong, limited, irrelevant or inadequate..." (R. Levins)

Full CV


Bodini A., Bondavalli C., Allesina S. 2007. L'ecosistema e le sue relazioni. Idee e strumenti per la valutazione di Impatto e di Incidenza. Milano: Franco Angeli

Research news

Bondavalli C., Bodini A., Rossetti G., & Allesina S. 2006. Detecting stress at the whole ecosystem level. The case of a mountain lake: Lake Santo (Italy). Ecosystems, 9: 768-787.

Fields of research

Qualitative modelling in Ecology